The narratives developed in “Post Memories, Shanghai” are set on the border between the documentary and narrative fiction, where time, related to a particular space, is presented as distorted and/or altered. The resulting image does not provide portraits of the individual subjects, but rather contextualises them in their everyday lives as actors on stage. I lived in This big metropolis in 2012. My first approach was a naif view of what I could see there, I wanted to represent the colours, the fog and pollution and the artificial appearance of Shanghai, all those elements started to blend naturally in this series of photomontages, perhaps that distance to the nature of things, as a foreigner that just a arrived to a completely different culture, allowed me to play around with the meaning of facts, landscapes and people. The captured moment of a photograph can change its meaning, even to the same viewer. The passage of time and the nature of memory flip the sense of an image upside down, finding new dimensions while not altering its form. The images I created in this period opened the door to a new way of understanding photography, more playful and creative from a personal point of view. I started to create my own narratives, departing from real scenes I could create multiple, mutating meanings which force open any definite interpretation. The still image is fixed but not frozen.